Routes to Roots

intercultural music collaborations to connect communities

Hosting artist-led intercultural projects, Routes to Roots emphasizes the transformative potential of cultural wealth

to build empathy and tolerance through music.

Following initial R&D trips working with musicians in Quebec, Malawi, Brazil, and Mongolia, Routes to Roots officially starts with the support of Creative Scotland in Mexico and Chile in 2023 and 2024.

Community Workshops

A brand new workshop protocol for musical improvisation and intercultural composition addresses professional, amateur and young musicians. Creating a new piece of music together by ear fosters musical independence, expression, and critical thinking.

Music Collaborations

As the musicians embark on the composition process, they integrate their respective folk traditions, diverse contexts, and academic music backgrounds. This synthesis not only paves the way for genuine intercultural compositions but also fosters an environment of open-mindedness, learning, and artistic innovation.


Central Mexican Plateau & Mexican Gulf

Coyolicatzin, Diego Huerta and Catriona Price

creating the song ‘Begonia’: voice, violin, and requinto guitar

Listen to RTR on BBC

San Miguel de Allende - In a

workshop guided by Catriona Price,

15 young musicians from the Youth Orchestra, including violinists, a cellist, flutist, trumpeter, and pianist (aged 8 to 18), explored improvisation, self-expression, and playing by ear. Culminating the workshops, a concert at the Cultural Centre El Nigromante in the historic center of San Miguel de Allende featured the collaborative 16-minute piece "Collage."

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Xalapa, Veracruz - In a surrealist house in the forest near Xalapa, three musicians - singer Coyolicatzin, guitarist/bassist Diego Huerta, and violinist Catriona Price - came together to create and record a new song. Drawing from their jazz/classical backgrounds, folkloric roots, and unique musical perspectives, their collaborative piece, 'Begonia,' is set to be released soon.


Mexico City & The Carribean Coast

El Guapo & Catriona Price

recording on Juandi’s balcony in Cancun

Pahua & Catriona Price

at El Balneario studio in CDMX

Mexico City - Composing their track 'Inmensidad,' Catriona and Pahua, an electronic-roots-inspired artist from Mexico City, integrated fiddle samples and live percussion. Together, they experimented with new sound combinations and layered vocals.

Cancun - Based in Buenos Aires, 'El Guapo' weaves together Latin music, rock, rap, and Balkan sounds. Catriona collaborated with Juan Grabina (voice and guitar) and Joni Strugo (percussion), along with Mexican bassist Markos Medina, to compose and record the sunny tune "Juandi baila en el balcón" overlooking the Nichupté lagoon in Cancun.


Quilicura, Santiago Metropolitan Region

Community Music School Enrique Soro

Composing and premiering the piece “Pailalén” by ear (‘Stargazing’ in Mapudungún)


Santiago de Chile & Los Ríos Region

Santiago de Chile - The double-bassist, singer, and rapper Giancarlo Valdebenito from La Plaza del Puma is inspired by Cueca, Bolero, and Chilean Rap. With Catriona, he created the track 'No saben nada', emphasizing the often-overlooked perspectives of young people.

Panguipulli - Singer/Songwriter Daniela Millaleo combines Spanish and Mapundungún in her music. Collaborating with Catriona, and incorporating the Mapuche percussion instrument Cultrún, their song "En el sur" speaks about the life-giving role of water, and the urgent need to protect the earth.

Talks & Media

Schrader & Davids

Tag der offenen Tür

Youth Orchestra

San Miguel de Allende

Successful multiethnic business colleagues in modern office

Centro Cultural El Nigromante

San Miguel de Allende


Catriona Price

Artistic Director

Catriona Price creates cross-genre music, with a focus on making change through cultural exchange and artistic innovation. The violinist, singer and composer is half of the contemporary duo Twelfth Day, a member of folk band Fara, and Co-Artistic Director of Thirteen North. Her debut solo album Hert was released in 2023.

Christine Lauck specializes in promoting and communicating intercultural music projects. She has collaborated with The Orchestra of the Americas, the National Symphony Orchestra of Mexico, the Federal Association of Music in Germany, as well as international music agencies, promoters, and musicians.

Catriona and Christine were both enrolled in an MBA in Arts Innovation at The Global Leaders Institute and met at an Innovation Exchange Residence in Panguipulli, Chile. Together, they are growing Routes to Roots into an umbrella organisation for intercultural collaboration.

Christine Lauck

Executive Director

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How to support

With your support, we can unite musicians and communities across the globe, unlocking the potential of intercultural music collaborations. Please get in touch!